2017 Gunn and Moore 606 Batting Pads

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2017 Gunn and Moore 606 Batting Pads
The 2017 Gunn and Moore 606 Batting Pads is a great batting pad for a club cricketer or junior that is making their way in the game.
Gunn and Moore have been known for their high quality batting protection for a long time and these batting pads are no different.
Product Features
- Pu facing.
- High density foam/reverse cane.
- 2" calf and ankle straps.
- Embossed strap tabs and stylish co-ordinated pad straps.
- Tri layer foam/plastic fibre knee locator.
- U foam vertical bolster.
- One piece low density interior bolster.
- Stitched in top hat protector.
- Mesh instep.